Friday, April 29, 2011

Deja Entendu, by Brand New

Deja Entendu (2003) Brand New
This album. Goodness gracious, I've probably listened to it all the way through at least 30 times. Maybe even 40!
Each of Brand New's four releases are different from each other - it's not like A Day to Remember where every album (and song!) sound same and show no signs of progression. Oh no. Deja, their sophomore release, differs significantly from the angst-ridden pop punk of Your Favorite Weapon. As the band has matured and grown older, so has their music! Subject matter isn't so much "She dumped me, FML, hope she wrecks and flies thru her windshield", but more along the lines of "I think way too much, we can't be together, I'm discovering myself".
Songs like Okay I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don't and Sic Transit Gloria, Glory Fades tackle more "mature" issues, while The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows and Play Crack the Sky are your classic tragic-accident-kills-couple-that-is-oh-so-madly-in-love, but hell, they do a killer job, no matter the subject matter. Lyrically, Jesse Lacey is SO on top of his game. He totally devours books of classy phrases and adjectives, cleverly employing each to his liking and painting a situation in the listener's mind's eye that almost envelopes you. He's very talented at implying situations that we, or our companions, have been in, especially more along the lines of love and growing up.
As far as the actual music goes, also good. Fitting, for sure. I mean it's not like the most stunning virtuoso work, but considering the record is more lyric/vocal oriented, it's an excellent horse to ride in on and really puts the story on display. Heavy when it needs to be (I like it when it's heavy :) ), but can also be more atmospheric and reflective, following what's being said and the tale being told.
All in all, Deja is a most excellent piece of alternative rock. Killer songwriting, and each song is different! It's not one of those that every track sounds the same. These guys keep the listener's attention by giving the record diverse qualities and sounds, and that's something admirable, considering the sea of made-for-radio albums being stamped out in "Executive Producer" land. psh.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

ALBUM REVIEW : Led Zeppelin, by Led Zeppelin. 1969.
In my opinion, Led Zeppelin was sort of a blueprint of all the hard rock and heavy metal that was to come. The album laid out a foundation and some boundaries, as well as essential parts, to what '70s hard rock would be. It's like the prologue to a good book, or what The Hobbit is to the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Can't have one without the other!
The record contains many of Zep's so-called "greatest hits", their most popular tracks. But if you think about it, every Zeppelin album is incredibly popular with incredibly popular tracks...... My favorites include Dazed and Confused, Communication Breakdown, and How Many More Times. Dazed and How Many definitely qualify for "jam" songs. They're long, with repetitive riffing, and a lot of soloing and improvisation. Just my type of thing =) They really show the dynamics of the group, how well they can play off of each other, as well as each individual's incredible talent with the instrument and the ability they have to make it do whatever they want.
There isn't really any soft songs here, just more mellow. Dazed, as well as You Shook Me and I Can't Quit You keep the tempo groovy, but again, are upbeat and charging, not down and depressing. Good Times Bad Times and Communication Breakdown are the most uptempo tracks. Searing guitar and vocals cut through walls of rhythm, pummeling the listeners ears with pre-1970s aggressive blues rock.
If you consider everything else that was being played at the time (1969), Led Zeppelin was a kick in the pants. One might say that it "blew the classical music out of society's butt" - It's an essential to any rocker's musical arsenal, one that can be played over and over again.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

what's new man?

it's been too long! everyone following me (the few of you there are), let's start a new trend called "Commenting on blogs that i follow", it's pretty self-explanatory =) i think it's a good way of knowing that all this blogging isn't going to waste, and actually getting feedback from you kids. right now i'm at Utah State University! it's pretty dope, i live with Mylz, Bret, and Seungkyu. love these guys! we always have good times. Mylz and i have been watching a lot of movies lately, and i think you should watch them, or at least leave me your thoughts on them if you've seen them already....

Saving Private Ryan (1999)

this one is SO GOOD! a LOT of work was put into the production of this film, and i'm trying to appreciate every bit of it. hard to do, but i think the biggest image of everything put into it is shown in the intensely gruesome beach-landing scene. if you can stomach the gore, pay attention to the little things about it.
i also gained an entirely new appreciation for the armed forces serving us now, and that have in the past. we're all forever indebted to these fine men and women.

Pineapple Express (2008)

how can you not love this movie?? Seth Rogen is such a tense freak when he's stoned it's hilarious, and is completed by the stereotypical pothead Saul. good flick. i'm just amazed that Ted, Saul's dealer, lived thru how many crazy injuries that he did. gunshot wounds, being thrown thru a wall, having his head bashed against porcelain, etc. it's funny guys, not realistic.

and next, is

Easy Rider (1969)

this film totally changed my movie viewing experience. Peter Fonda does a DAMN good performance as Captain America. him and his sidekick Billy ride across the country in search of "freedom". they don't ever "find" "freedom" persay, but it's some trip and a killer motorcycle adventure. this is my favorite of these three movies.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


haha hey! i realize i'm talking to myself, but it's cool. anyway! Went up to Bear Lake today! me, Brandon Bringhurst, Kamilla Wood, Jason Lee, Ashley Stewart, and Roland, Brando's dad. So we get up there, it's friggin purple/gray skies, windy, 50 degrees, etc. ha go up to the Bringhurst cabin, hitch up the ol' motor boat, and pull out to the lake. the original plan was to learn how to water ski, get some tubing in, splash around, and maybe work on the tan. Mother nature, however, was clearly on a different agenda. After unloading the boat, and getting out in the middle of friggin wind-driven 6 foot waves, Roland tosses the tube out, and reluctantly, Brandon, Jason, and I dive on. A gnarly five minutes later finds me gasping for precious oxygen, and wondering if i was really still alive whilst shivering uncontrollably and dog paddling towards the boat like a Titanic-wreck victim. According to primary sources (Kamilla and Ashley), i quickly turned purple, and after a few minutes, blue. probbly not a good thing =) well worth it though, believe me. 
so we get back to the cabin, chill out and mope around for a bit after a hotdog lunch, and eventually figure we should order dinner(that quick after lunch? ha weird). pizza sounded good at the time, and we drove to Garden City to pick one up, snagging a raspberry shake on the way down (delish!). 
ever seen Grumpy Old Men? fetchin funny show. watch it. we did, all of us snuggled up on the couch like little sardines in a fabric-covered and cotton-cushioned sardine tin. good show, good show. 

Saturday, May 30, 2009

(fanfare) da-da-dada-DAH

hello all! this is, clearly, my first post. and i'm a new blogger, so it's gonna take a bit to get used to. anyway, school's out! haha i'm so bloody relieved. i hear that your junior year is your hardest, and so far, i agree with that. Math 1050 and 1060 were brutal. ask anyone who took them, haha way hard stuff. but i also took an AP Music Theory class! best course i've ever attended. Mrs. Bigler teaches you a nine month class in three months, and does a very good job of it. anyhoo, that's all for now. 
love Trek